Managing Hydrogen Sulfide

The task of managing or minimizing hydrogen sulfide has been an ongoing problem for cities and industrial users. The corrosive nature of this byproduct from disposing of waste creates constant problems for many applications. We can provide alternative natural solutions to help minimize it’s effects on your systems.

The lift station above acts as the headwaters for a forced main 2.5 miles long with high H2S readings at the outfall. The pilot we conducted showed good results with a combination of our Microbe-Lift technologies ans small amount of calcium nitrate. The added benefit was that the buildup of grease in the station stayed static during the trial eliminating the need for monthly cleaning that was required prior to our start date and no odor complaints from the neighbors.

The picture above demonstrates the use of automation in the pilot study of this lift station. We learned a lot from this project. If it could go wrong it did. We had equipment failures , plugged lines and even had a tent cover blow away. In the end we got a very good result and now prepare for the inevitable hiccup. Most of all we learned that sometimes to get the best result, requires more than one product or application method to succeed.