Ecosystem Restoration at Ternenure College

The before picture shows the massive amount of algae and surface solids accumulated on the lake surface. The after picture shows a totally recovered, clean pond with no algae or other surface solids and healthy wildlife.

Terenure Collage is located in the Terenure area of Dublin, Ireland. Founded in 1860, the school is part of the popular “Rugby Belt” or Leinster Schools Rugby playing institutions. The lake at Terenure College is one of the main features of the grounds. It is 330m long running along the length of the rugby playing fields and is estimated to be between 15,000m3 and 20,000m3 in volume. The lake is fed by surface water as well as some local spring water. For many years, a combination of natural organic decay, surface water pollution, and nutrient runoff from adjacent playing fields had produced a build-up of organic sludge and inorganic silt in the lake. The resulting nutrient imbalance led to cloudy water, pungent odors, and regular algae blooms.

In May, 2012 the college was approached with a recommendation to apply Microbe-Lift products to supplement the ecosystem within the lake and restore the natural balance. Treatment began at the end of June with a relatively high dose inoculation to kick start the process, followed by a standard treatment protocol. With ongoing treatments, Microbe-Lift technology was able to remediate the lake and restore the micro-nutrient balance in a manner that was of no risk to the natural wildlife of the area and people.

As part of their 150th Anniversary celebration, Terenure College developed the Lake Wildlife Walk. The walk provides a quiet zone in the Terenure area that is growing in popularity. With a restored pond, the walk has now become a more pleasant experience for young and old alike.

This is an example of just one of the many successful projects completed with the Microbe-Lift technologies. Have a question or a project? Contact us and let us help you find your solution.