Dairy Manure Management

The two before photos show a dairy lagoon in Tipton, California before we initiated treatments. The main lagoon has a 6-million gallon capacity and had significant top solids, in addition to massive buildup on the bottom. This made agitation prior to pumping to the fields a necessity, which was not only expensive, but also time consuming.

The two after photos were taken after 3 months and 6 months, respectively, of treatment with our Microbe-Lift products. We noticed a significant improvement, not only in clarity, but when pumping to the fields, they were able to pump much closer to the bottom of the pond without agitation. We have also noticed an improvement in the cleanliness of the lanes, and a reduction in odors and flies.

Microbe-Lift products are designed specifically to resolve environmental issues in barns, storage pits, and lagoons, as well as improve field applications. In addition, our manure management products speed up the removal of slow-to-degrade surface solids and bottom sludge naturally in lagoons.